I was right in my place. My work was to love full time. Imperfectly, but always looking at Jesus. However, I quickly noticed a desire in my heart for something more. It’s hard to describe it. I just came to Lodz, turning my life upside down. Only because of Him. But what was burning inside […]
5/ Against human trafficking
The need to be in direct connection with people I am helping to was first named by Andrzej. I called him one day and talked for a long time about the bumps in my personal life and career path so far. And mismatch. And how uncomfortable it was. He didn’t speak for a long time. […]
4/ Power of the cross and to love
Healed and whole after the death of my fiancé, I wanted nothing but God alone. I had the feeling that my whole life, which belonged to me, had burnt up inside me. Which I spun and built on a Christian basis. And that He has grown up in me now. Already without any other desires. […]
2/ He is above names
In the first year of high school, I already knew a bit about the Bible, so during catechesis I liked to comment on the teacher’s statements based on the Word. One time the teacher asked me to stay in class after the lesson. He said he can see in me the desire to know God. […]
1/ Desire of closeness
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be close. This cry within me. Cry for God. One Sunday, I don’t know how old I might have been then, but less than thirteen, I went to church. I went to church every week for Sunday Mass, and even every day at certain points […]