It appears every time I see their difficult behavior. I can even explain the situation to myself in various ways, but regardless of the results of the analyses, this small part stays with me. A part of the reason. A part of the non-obvious beginning. Guilt. My fault. The feeling that my children behave this […]
God does
4/ Power of the cross and to love
Healed and whole after the death of my fiancé, I wanted nothing but God alone. I had the feeling that my whole life, which belonged to me, had burnt up inside me. Which I spun and built on a Christian basis. And that He has grown up in me now. Already without any other desires. […]
3/ He heals until the end
One day I was coming home from university. Those were the times when I studied in Gdansk. I felt a certain tension in me, anticipation, and I tried to name it. That was the first time I discovered it. I was looking for a car parked on the street where my brother and I lived. […]
2/ He is above names
In the first year of high school, I already knew a bit about the Bible, so during catechesis I liked to comment on the teacher’s statements based on the Word. One time the teacher asked me to stay in class after the lesson. He said he can see in me the desire to know God. […]
1/ Desire of closeness
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be close. This cry within me. Cry for God. One Sunday, I don’t know how old I might have been then, but less than thirteen, I went to church. I went to church every week for Sunday Mass, and even every day at certain points […]
All your houses
For the first family we’ve met, I chose something from my clothes and one capulana. We also had a mosquito net which we didn’t use anymore. And something else, ah! A baby bottle. We packed everything in a big bag and shared with them what was ours. Who knew then that an year later we […]
Call out
I often think back to the day when for the first time I saw with my own eyes what I prayed for. It was during my first and last summer camp in the mountains. If I remember correctly, I just finished the sixth grade of primary school. I did not think that I could take […]
Fear not
“Remove fear. I collected it through events and accidents. I cannot take it to Africa. I will not stay there in this state for one day. Remove fear and fill the empty space with joy.” As I wrote down these words of prayer in early July this year, I did not realize what path was […]
Paper house
House made from cardboard boxes. We build them for our children to play they are adults. We found one in the area we live. But it’s not a toy, it’s someone’s home. And everything they have. A married couple with seven children live there, another family of internally displaced people. A roof made from a […]
About a gaze that saves
It is hot and stuffy. I protect myself from the sun under a wooden shelter with a roof covered with grass – gazebo. And I am watching the birds. This is how I spend my time with Jesus. It’s 2016. I don’t know yet that in the coming hours God will recalibrate my heart and […]