I do not think about what could have happened. I think about what God has already provided. Options, ways out, scenarios – stories quickly form in our heads. It’s easy to follow your thoughts – first, second, third, etc., until you find yourself the same as the imaginations to which you have given your attention. […]
God’s Word
4/ Power of the cross and to love
Healed and whole after the death of my fiancé, I wanted nothing but God alone. I had the feeling that my whole life, which belonged to me, had burnt up inside me. Which I spun and built on a Christian basis. And that He has grown up in me now. Already without any other desires. […]
Take God at His Word
“You will have the year you believe in.” (You will have what you believe is yours. You will have what you take from the Word. What you believe in my Word, you will experience.) For many years now I have been used to asking God at the beginning of each year what this coming one […]