I haven’t seen them in three months, and they are the same. Real. This is what I like best about meeting them. They are who they are. They bring with them matters they currently live with. They talk about them. And that’s not always the case here. More often not. It is thanks to the […]
God speaks
Take God at His Word
“You will have the year you believe in.” (You will have what you believe is yours. You will have what you take from the Word. What you believe in my Word, you will experience.) For many years now I have been used to asking God at the beginning of each year what this coming one […]
Fear not
“Remove fear. I collected it through events and accidents. I cannot take it to Africa. I will not stay there in this state for one day. Remove fear and fill the empty space with joy.” As I wrote down these words of prayer in early July this year, I did not realize what path was […]
About a gaze that saves
It is hot and stuffy. I protect myself from the sun under a wooden shelter with a roof covered with grass – gazebo. And I am watching the birds. This is how I spend my time with Jesus. It’s 2016. I don’t know yet that in the coming hours God will recalibrate my heart and […]
I have a dream. To live somewhere for at least half an year, put my clothes in the wardrobe, storage my suitcases to the basement, buy something unnecessary that would take up too much space in my luggage. And that’s no problem, because we do not go anywhere. But it’s just a dream. In fact, […]
For a lifetime
When he was a boy, if he was polite? Quiet? Or he has been everywhere? What did he like, what was he playing with, and with whom? What did he want to hear about? What to learn? And what from that has he remembered for a lifetime? It’s mine and not mine. Mine, because I […]
More mindful
That day we were waking a lot, from the base to the lighthouse and back. This road is red, like all roads in Mozambique. And hot, like most days in an year. Usually is quiet as well, not often it is possible to meet there someone. First you will pass villas with high walls, couple […]
I come back to Mozambique
I took with me to Lodz the graphic of Bocianowska titled Returns, which I received from my friends. In the simple lines I saw a home to which I can return. It is the only one picture in my new apartment. The graphic depicts three storks over a vast field, with a forest in the […]
When a thought becomes a conviction
In the beginning it was just a thought. A little detached from my reality. I had just left behind a fairly orderly life. An apartment bought only two years earlier, a job that gave me some stability, family and a lot of people close to me, my Gdansk and my cold sea. I came to […]